Thursday, March 27, 2008

Call To Action As Pastors/Church Leaders

I posted a similar post on my TRBA blog this AM. I decided to also post on the "Pastors' blog" as an encouragement to you - as ministry leaders - to both join me in prayer concerning this matter and to lead your church (by example and practice) to become stronger in the Lord.

As a pastor, I often used the time between Mother's Day and Father's Day as an emphasis on the family. There is an "expectation" to at least hit the topics of motherhood, fatherhood, and "apple pie" type stuff on some occassions. About half way in the middle is an emphasis on high school and/or college grads. So - why not spend some time and effort to preach and teach some solid stuff on the family, placing God first, etc. in place of the "apple pie."

As I was reading through my mail this morning I noticed a card promoting 'PROJECT FATHER'S DAY." Normally - like you, I would have just trashed it as an advertisement. You and I get a mountain of such mail promoting some emphasis for Mother's Day, Father's Day, Race Relations Sunday, etc. all the time. There is no way we can keep up with all the promo materials we receive, so - we chunk a lot of it in "file 13."

BUT -- you will note that I said, "I NOTICED....." The "headlines" for the promotion were compelling. Sure - it is advertising a Father's Day promotion in the local church (you can go to and get the details). And yes - I am facilitating a men's group at my church right now with one of the books they are highlighting. And truly it is a way to "Reach every husband, father, and son in your church this Father's Day for about $1 each," BUT the words leaped from the page to my heart strings and I felt compelled to both pray over these facts in our member churches and to write this blog asking you to pray with me.

Think for a minute with me. If the men of our churches experienced the transforming power accessible to them through the Holy Spirit as a result of our fervent prayer, there would be "revival in our land." Imagine the possibilities for renewal in the homes of our church members (and thereby our churches themselves) if we "picked up" more men who would "get right with Jesus" and begin to live in obedience to the call of God as leaders in their homes, the local church, and the community.

There is an argument to be made that we - even as pastors - might need to devote time and energy to leading men (our women are engaged in Beth Moore studies galore - compare women's studies to anything for men and most of our churches come uup lacking in the men column). I would encourage you to prayerfully consider what direction you need to lead your church in its discipleship efforts for the men of your church.

What was the compelling information that was shared in this promotion? Please read it with an awareness in our churches and throughout our communties:

For EVERY 10 MEN in YOUR church.......

10 are STRUGGLING to balance work and family,
9 WILL HAVE children who leave the church,
5 will have a SERIOUS problem with pornography,
4 WILL GET divorced, and
ONLY 1 has a biblical worldview.

These facts are alarming!!!! 100% of us (and I would say this is true for men and women) are STRUGGLING to "balance" work and family. Who doesn't say 100 times a week "I am so busy" in some fashion. Our wives need us---our kids need us---and we don't have time (or energy) to devote to their needs. Our families are weakened, and - as a result - our churches are weakened and society as a whole is weakened.

I have heard for years that there is an ALARMING problem with internet pornography. To realize that 50% of the men in our churches have a SERIOUS problem with pornography (that does not include those with a "little problem" or curosity with pornography). Couple that with the statistic that between 40 - 65% of pastors throughout the United States have viewed pornography on the internet in the past week - and we see a real problem developing.

Certainly time management (or lack thereof) and problems with pornography contribute greatly to those other stats of children leaving the church; divorce rates higher than the non-churched rates; a lack of a biblical worldview, etc. As leaders in the church, we need to take note; make it a matter of prayer; and TAKE ACTION to strnegthen His Church!

With Christ as Savior and Lord - our lives are empowered through the Holy Spirit to be "more than conquerors." Yet - only 1 of 10 in our churches would even think in that frame. Serious problems exist within our curched families (hear me -- CHURCHED families) that are tearing families apart and lending itself toward an ever increasing divorce rate. 50% of our men have a SERIOUS problem with pornography (and this includes laity and clergy) that both reflects dissatisfaction and problems in their life and contributes to an abundance of other problems that exist within our homes and churches (and society as a whole). Our daily struggles to balance the demands of life rip into our marriage relationships; our relationships with our children; affect morale and productivity in the work place; other interpersonal relationships, etc. etc.

I am not writing this to encourage you to participate in
"PROJECT FATHER'S DAY. However, I am writing you to encourage you to join me in praying for this situation. I am also asking that you commit with me to be men of faith; striving to live in accordance with a Biblical worldview; and striving to balance our lives by seeking FIRST and FOREMOST -- above EVERYTHING else - His righteousness. The key to strengthening our churches lies in our personal relationships with the LIving Lord being strengthened.

Personally devote MORE TIME to "being still" and LISTENING to God in the midst of your day. Corporately - lead your church to face the realities before them and sure them up to be beacons of hope in the midst of chaos, turmoil, and despair. Pray WITHOUT CEASING -- but understand the prayers of a "righteous man" (or woman) "availeth much." So -- we begin with OURSELVES and not the church in total. Just some thoughts to consider as you prepare for a season where many churches emphasize the family - that time between Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day.

I may write more later. I just wanted to share some of my heart with you this day.

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