Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Present State Of The Association

Today I received a call from LifeWay asking that I present a 20-minute presentation on the "present state of the Association." That becomes a piercing topic as it depends on a lot of variables: the needs of the churches, the involvement of the churches, the cooperative nature of church leaders, rural vs. urban settings, the attitude of the Association Missionary/Director of Missions, etc. etc.

Those that know me are aware of my philosophy/guiding principle for associational work. "Any two people GENUINELY seeking God CAN work together." I "stole" that comment from a sermon preached by James Draper several years ago, but I am convinced it is true. I am further convinced, unfortunately, that many of us - as men and women of faith - are not GENUINELY seeking God, and therefore are not accomplishing what God is calling us to do.

So--where are we?If I did not think Associations were relevant, then I would not be in this work. I pray the people in Tar River sense the relevance of the life and work of our Association. My calling is to "strengthen churches," and I think the local Association is an excellent arena for that work to be done.

I tell the people of TRBA that it is my desire and committment to "walk alongside their church to be the church God has called them to be in their community and around the world." I strive to make myself available to assist any and all of the churches as best I can - regardless. I strive to keep missions and opportunities to be on mission in front of the members. I lead mission trips, praying that individual churches will develop a heart for missions. I offer training, resources, and other helps to better equip churches to become energetically engaged in the work of the church - evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and worship.

To some people - I am the face of the SBC - for they will never meet another person from the SBC (or the state convention). For some, I am a Missionary - for there are not many missionaries that my member churches have gotten to know well. To some, I'm a "pastor to pastors." To others, I'm someone to avoid for they think I am a conduit for "one side or the other." Reality - I am Dougald McLaurin, called of God to work with others in strengthening the church and advancing the Kingdom. I am willing to work with anyone willing to work with me in spreading the Gospel of Christ to a lost world.

In some areas I describe the association as "church, one level up." The people seem to expect almost the same stuff they see in the local church. The local association is far different and it is my heart's desire that we stop showing the "old model" of being a conduit, and mirroring the programs of the church, and become more of a mobilizing agent for the cause of Christ in our world.

Pray with me as I seek to prepare for that presentation. I know I have rambled in this post.

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