Monday, March 24, 2008

Policies and Procedures

If you have been involved in TRBA for the past year, you know we have spent a LOT of time working on new By-Laws, policies, and procedures. This has consumed a great deal of our time and it is certainly not what one would like to spend every day doing. NEVERTHELESS, I believe that IN THE LONG RUN it will be a real help to TRBA as we seek to do things in an effective, orderly manner.

Don't get the idea that the changes necessarilly reflect my personal desires. I believe those that have worked on both the By-Laws and the Personnel Committees will attest to the fact that I have not attempted to dictate a particular direction. We have come to consensus each step of the way. I think this has been a healthy process.

I appreciate the time and effort that a large number of people have already had an active role in producing. I anticipate many more hours of hard work as we develop policies and procedures in every aspect of TRBA work. I also appreciate your cooperation as we work through the process.

One thing that has emerged in this process is an awareness that much work needs to be done in both the association and within our member churches with regard to compliance with IRS as well as other regulations. It is important that we serve as a positive witness for the Living Lord. In this increasingly less church-frindly society, it will become more important that we do things properly. That is why going thorugh this process is so important.

Again, thank you for your cooperation and understanding. if you have suggestions, recommendations as we work through this process throughout 2008, please feel free to talk with me or one of the Personnel Committee members (this is the committee the new By-Laws require to write the polcies and procedures). FYI, the following people are on that committee: Elaine Lewis (Pilot) - Chairperson, Frankie Carroll (Pleasant Grove), John Byrd (Duke Memorial), Joel Story (Sandy Creek), and Pete Colbert (Franklinton).

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