Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year/New Decade/Fresh Commitment

It is early in 2010. This is a new year, and a new decade. There are many good days ahead for the church as we commit anew to the work that God has called us to do together. Please join me in praying for our member churches and the opportunities ahead to advance the Kingdom.

I wanted to share a few goals for 2010:

1. I would like to see fellowship between the brethren (those who serve in ministry positions in our member churches) grow. I encourage you to participate as often as you can. I honestly believe our fellowship together will strengthen the church. However, my primary reason is simply that I believe WE need the fellowship of others that serve as we do. We NEED one another!
2. As always, we will be working towards better communication. We will use every effort to get the word out. We will use TellBlast, The Navigator, Mid-Stream, a revised Currents of the Tar, FaceBook, and increased sharing of the blogs. To be honest though, communication is a two-way street and we really need you to communicate what we are sharing with the members of your church.

3. It is my goal to have regular times of fasting and prayer as an association - beginning with the pastors. At our Ministers' fellowship in February, I hope to share a schedule. The Lord has convicted me that we need to gather and pray for a revival in our churches and a spiritual awakening among the people of our communities.

4. Using all the above - plus more - I hope to see the churches of the Tar River Baptist Association strengthened in 2010!!

As we pray together---fellowship together---work together, we will accomplish better the life and work that God has called us to do together as a group of churches in this association.

Naturally there are many other things I could share. Many other things I am praying for as your Associational Missionary. As always, I resolve to serve you better in 2010. If I can be of help to you in ANY way, do not hesitate to call on me.

Go ahead and mark your calendars. We have the first opportunity to fellowship together (with our entire families) on Saturday, January 23rd at 9 AM (Ephesus Church). Then, beginning February 16th we will re-group with our Monthly Ministers' Fellowship Meetings at 10 AM at the TRBA Center. Please join us as often as you can.

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing information regarding ways we will be striving to reach these goals (and more)in 2010.

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