Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

We are entering a New Year--a time to reflect, examine who we are and where we are in our walk with the Lord, renew our commitments - personal, spiritual, family, professional, etc. As we reflect, I ask that we examine the need of those of us who serve as pastors to build up the fellowship between ourselves.

I am excited about the plans for our Pastors' Fellowship in Tar River Association. I hope that you will become more involved in the offerings by your officers that I believe can strengthen us in the work God has called us to do together.

I am excited about the trainings TRBA will offer to our member churches that will strengthen the life and work of our churches. Please help me get the word out to your church members so they will have the opportunity to participate.

By now you have noticed my use of blogging and constant contact. I hope we can use this technology (along with a regularly updated website) to better communicate with one another. It hinges on my being prompt in getting information out to you, and your willingness to share the information with your church members and participate as you have opportunity. I am attempting to communicate with you more, but not be intrusive in the way we communicate.

As always, please know that you are in my prayers regularly. As we begin the New Year, I renew my commitment to you personally and professionally. I am here for you if there is ever a need. Never hesitate to call on me.

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